रविवार, 24 जनवरी 2021

Partiality of Apex Court

 Dear Supreme court Judges , 
 1. A party Wins Lok sabha elections gets 303 seats with massive 46% vote share. 
 2. Then they Win State after state to get majority in Rajya Sabha 
 3. They Pass a bill in Both House gets President's approval & it become law. 
                 Some 20-25 K of 1 state sits on road for a month , then you stay the LAW What a mockery😢 of the democratic process ? Where are our protectors of democracy now ?? Those who were screaming that democracy is being murdered , not so long ago ?? The Supreme Court today said, "We are trying to solve the problem in accordance with the law." Hello Sir jee! Your job is not to solve a problem. That would mean you don't want to annoy any party. You want to please everyone. Sorry! you are not here to please people. You are here to interpret existing law and pronounce a judgment. Your job is to say who is right and who is wrong. That's all. Nothing more. Nothing less. But you didn't do that. What do you do? From this country of 130 crore people, you hand pick four people and ask them to tell you what is their opinion about these laws. And then you would ask the govt to implement their opinion. You would ask the govt elected by 130 crore people to implement the opinion of four people. The wish of 130 crore people expressed through their representatives in the parliament is insignificant for you. Dear Supreme Court ! If a committee can decide how this country should be governed, why bother about an Election Commission and why should millions of voters vote ? Scrap the Parliament. ( save hundreds of crores !) And form various committees of experts , who will tell you how this country should be governed. Or, you can ask the government that before they introduce a bill in the Parliament, they must first bring it before you, and seek your pre-approval. Only after that, you or a committee formed by you have approved it, it can be taken to the Parliament for vote. That will save time and effort of a lot of people. But you won't do that. You want to take over the power of the parliament. But obviously , you don't want to be seen doing it. By the way, yesterday, you said that you have received many petitions against the farm laws but you haven't received a single petition supporting the law. I would hold it as the most stupid argument ever made by the apex court in its entire history. I mean, what kind of an idiotic argument is this? Let me ask you. The population of this country is 130 crore. We have seen only a few lakh protesting against the laws at Delhi borders. Even if we take the number of people we have seen participate in various dharna , pradarshans across the country as 1 crore, there are still 129 crore people in this country who we never saw taking part in these protests. So can we say that 129 crore people are supporting these laws? Can we? No, we can't. That will be a silly argument. Dear Supreme Court ! Please don't allow people to make a mockery of yourself. I hope, you know that the protestors have rejected your verdict even before you have given it. You know it very well. These people don't believe in courts. Didn't you hear the same people say at Shaheen Bagh last year that they don't believe in Supreme Court and they would take over public place to bring the government to its knees? Don't you remember that? You certainly do. Then why don't you pass judgments? Why do you dilly dally and let people openly disobey you? Please do what you are supposed to do. Don't do things that you are not supposed to do. Your job is not to solve a problem to everyone's satisfaction. Your job is to pass judgments, interpret the law , not stay it ! So just do that. You have no business forming a committee to approve or reject a legislation passed by the legislative assembly. Nor are you God !!

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